Everyone’s Journey Back to Nature is Unique

Everyone has a different path, but our goals are similar – seeking equilibrium in a postmodern world. Where’s your balance?

“To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.”

— Mahatma Gandhi

From the Fields

Laptop computer and a cup of coffee

Make Yourself at Home

Welcome to Natural Ark, my personal blog documenting and exploring my family and friends’ journey back to a more natural way of living. My name is Noah Moran, and I’m really excited to share our adventures and findings online.

Growing up in an urban household, it became second nature to adopt and embrace everything the modern world had to offer. Ever-expanding advancements and conveniences seemed to promise a better life. But slowly, the bloom has come off the rose. A realization is growing that perhaps we are not living our best lives. Do you feel the same way?

I don’t know where this journey will lead or even what direction this blog will take, but I’m thrilled to be sharing with you and anxious about what the future holds. Please visit often, and I welcome your thoughts, ideas, and contributions to this effort. Lastly, please sign up for our Newsletter, which will be starting soon.

New Blog Posts

Woman with cold drinking tea

Natural Remedies for a Cold

Natural remedies use whole ingredients from God’s good green earth to treat or prevent illnesses. It’s often overlooked that all pharmaceuticals and precursors start off as elements and organisms provided by nature. Let’s go directly to Mother Earth where possible and skip the laboratory processing step. Cold, Cough, and Sore Throat My go-to when a cold and cough hits is herbal tea with honey, lemon, and elderberry syrup. Drinking

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